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Fender Play Review: Online Lessons For Aspiring Guitarists

There’s no shortcut to mastering the guitar. Regardless of what that ten-minute guitar tutorial YouTube video told you, you’d still need to go through the basic steps, like learning to hold the instrument, identifying the chords, and building finger calluses. The good news is that hiring a private tutor is no longer necessary in this day and age. With guitar-learning software like Fender Play, you can kickstart your guitar journey using only your computer or mobile device. So, how does learning the guitar in the comfort of your home sound?

Top 5 Best Channel Strip Plugins For Pro-Level Audio Mixing

Channel strip plugins can simplify your workflow, cut down the feeling of option paralysis, and help you focus on the big picture. But if you’re going to bundle several tasks into a single plugin, you definitely need to choose wisely. To help you decide, we compiled a list of the best channel strip plugins available in the market today.

Top 5 Best De-esser Plugins: Say Goodbye to Sibilance!

Sibilance, the sharp and often intrusive 's' or 'sh' sounds in vocal recordings, can be a real challenge for sound engineers and music producers. This pesky problem can detract from the clarity and quality of your audio, making your recordings sound less professional. But fear not! The solution lies in the use of de-esser plugins, a must-have tool in any audio editing arsenal.

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