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How To Reduce The Noise Floor in Your Recordings

April 24, 2023 
Last Updated on May 4, 2023

Are you struggling to produce high-quality audio recordings? Are distortions in your sound waving down the studio walls and clouding the clarity of your mixes? This issue is commonly known as noise floor, which can be caused by various reasons. But don't worry! In this blog post, we'll go through detailed steps on how to reduce unwanted noise floor in all your recordings with simple techniques that will help you elevate their quality and get better end results. Keep reading to learn more about how you can take control of the noise floor in your music production studio today.

What Is The Noise Floor?

The noise floor is an invaluable component of audio recording engineering. It refers to the total amount of background sound present in a given recording, present regardless of any added signals. It is important to minimize the noise floor when recording high-fidelity audio because it can capture more subtle sounds and nuances. As a result, noise floor plays a vital role in the choice of recording equipment professionals will use for different projects. Professionals understand that their choice of recording technology and attention to detail concerning noise floor has significant implications for the quality of the final output.

Where Does Recording Noise Come From?

Understanding the noise floor of a given environment is essential to create quality audio. The noise floor is the sum of all background sounds present in a given environment and can range from deeply embedded background hums to very subtle unwanted noises like ventilation and car traffic outside. Electrical noise or equipment noise is hard to find but impacts the audio output. It is essential to distinguish between noises that are an intended part of the recording and those that are merely background noise; without this distinction, these unwanted sounds can cause distortions which can degrade signal quality. When preparing for a recording, it's crucial to observe and audit the ambient noise of the environment in order to determine what elements must be accounted for while capturing sound. Balanced audio cables can help clear the most unwanted noise.

How The Noise Floor Ruins Your Recordings?

Audio recordings are greatly affected by ambient noise, or "the noise floor." This blanket of low-volume sound muffles the finer details of the audio. The results are recordings that may be acceptable for casual use but lack the quality required for professional productions. As performance spaces get larger and more reverberant, this issue becomes critical in achieving quality recordings. Engineers must be careful in controlling their noise floors if they wish to catch all the nuances of acoustic performance. With the ever-increasing demand for quality recordings, failing to reduce the noise floor can lead to disappointing results.

Tips To Reduce Noise In Your Recordings

Pick the Quietest Room in Your Home

When it comes to recording audio, selecting a quiet location is crucial in reducing the noise floor. The first step is to identify the most silent room in your home. This room should not have any noise sources, such as appliances or gadgets. Moreover, your studio should not be placed adjacent to busy streets or construction sites, which can lead to ambient noise.

The size of the room also plays a critical role in noise reduction. A smaller room has fewer reflective surfaces, thereby reducing echo and reverberation, which could add unnecessary noise to your recordings. It is also advisable to opt for a room with solid walls instead of a room with windows or sliding doors, which are prone to external noise.

Additionally, using soundproofing materials like acoustic foam can minimize ambient sound from entering your recording space. These materials can be placed on the walls, ceiling, or floor to absorb sound waves that could affect your recordings.

Eliminate Background Noise Sources

To diminish background noise, identify all sources of noise and eliminate them. Some familiar sources of background noise include hum from electrical appliances like refrigerators or air conditioners, which can lead to a buzzing sound on your recordings. Switching off any electronics in the recording room that could add to the noise floor is advisable.

Switching off any electronic devices emitting radio frequency interference (RFI), including your mobile phone or other wireless devices, during recording is also essential. RFI is known to cause distortion or hum on your recordings. Another way to eliminate noise could be to invest in a high-quality microphone that has a low noise floor, making it more sensitive to capturing sound and less susceptible to interference.

Baffle Your Room

Reducing the noise floor in your recordings can be pretty challenging. One of the most effective ways to do so is by baffling your room. The idea behind confusing your space is to minimize the reflections of sound waves in the recording environment. This can be achieved by strategically placing baffles or acoustic panels on the room's walls, ceiling, and floor.

Adding soft furniture, like couches or curtains, can also absorb sound waves, thus contributing to reducing the noise floor. A reliable rule of thumb is to keep the baffles at an approximate distance of two feet from each other.

Moreover, paying attention to the material used to make the acoustic panels or baffles is essential. Porous materials such as mineral wool, fiberglass, or foam are commonly used for this purpose. These materials effectively absorb sound waves, leaving less ambient noise in the room and ultimately resulting in higher-quality recordings.

Unplug Electronics Which You're Not Using

Unplugging electronics you're not using during recording is a technique that might sound simple but significantly impacts reducing a noise floor. Understanding that various electrical devices and appliances in your recording environment can contribute to the noise floor is essential.

Unplugging appliances such as fans, lights, or any other electrical device and turning off nearby cell phones, for example, can eliminate unwanted ambient noise during recording.

It is important to note that small details like turning off electronics that are not in use can have a positive impact on the quality of your recordings. By implementing these simple techniques, you can reduce your noise floor and achieve better recordings with a clear, crisp, and cleaner sound.

Get Close to the Microphone

The distance between the microphone and the sound source affects the ambient noise the microphone picks up. The farther away the source of sound is from the microphone, the more background noise will seep into the recording. Getting close to the microphone will help reduce the noise floor and allow your voice or instrument to come through more clearly. However, it's important to maintain a consistent distance from the microphone throughout the recording to ensure a consistent sound. Using a pop filter can also help reduce unwanted pops or plosives when recording up close. Getting closer to your microphone can significantly reduce the noise floor and achieve crisp and clear recordings.


To sum up, reducing the noise floor in your recordings can be daunting for newer producers and engineers. But achieving this goal is possible with the right understanding of equipment and techniques. A good starting point is getting familiarized with the fundamentals, such as levels, preamps, and external plugins/effects. Additionally, you should also invest in high-quality microphones, soundproof your recording area, and obtain acoustic treatments if needed or you can opt for professional audio editing services. As long as you know where to start and have the right mindset, you will find yourself a few steps closer to producing superior audio recordings. And when it comes time to let your music shine through all that extraneous noise, you'll be glad you took the necessary steps to ensure excellent results.

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