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Tag: Compression

Types Of Audio Compressors: From VCA To Optical And Beyond

One of the most powerful tools at an audio engineers disposal is a device called a compressor. A compressor, which comes in hardware and plugin options, makes the quiet parts of an audio signal louder and the loud parts tamer. But did you know are there are actually several types of audio compressors, each with their own special sound flavor?

Top 5 Best Bus Compressor Plugins For Bigger Mixes

The use of a great bus compressor cannot be overstated when it comes to mixing music. In this blog post, we will delve into the "Top 5 Best Bus Compressor Plugins For Bigger Mixes." These plugins are not just tools; they are the secret ingredients that can transform your mixes from good to great, providing that polished, cohesive sound that stands out.

What Is Ducking In Audio? The Secret To Uncovering Sound

Audio ducking is an important mixing technique that can help uncover sounds that get lost in a mix. It is the process of lowering the volume of one audio signal when another audio signal goes above a certain threshold. This technique is commonly used in music production, podcasts, and radio shows to ensure that various audio elements are not competing with each other for the listener's attention.

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